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Individual members are driven and passionate, committed to furthering their careers and sharing their knowledge and know-how with the French-Zambian Community. From business executives to active professionals and aspiring leaders, individuals are a core part of our organization, dedicating their time and expertise to the advancement of the common goals of our community.


Small businesses with an annual turnover under K6.5million

Advantage membership is made for companies employing less than 10 people, with revenues under K 6.5 million. It is an affordable way for a small business to learn and find ways to build a sustainable business. It gives to the entrepreneurs an access to knowledge, an opportunity for business growth, and a network of like-minded individuals to communicate and enhance development.


For NGOs, Associations, Trusts, International Institutions etc.

Non Profit membership is cost effective and provide a wide range of benefits to NGOs, Institutions and Associations as it elevates business presence, image, and reputation. It enable the member to connect with business executives and business leaders, amplify its cause, expand its reach, and find donors.


Medium businesses and multinationals with annual turnover between K 65 million and K6.5 million

Privilege membership is made for companies employing generaly more than 10 people, with renues exceeding K 6.5 million per annum and is designed to provide comprehensive benefits for a reasonable membership premium.


Overseas membership is available to members who are residing outside Zambia and have started or are planning to initiate the internationalization or export process into the country. It develops a comprehensive understanding of Zambian business practices and cultural sensitivities and enable to enjoy all the benefits of Elite membership, with a few exceptions.


Large businesses and multinationals with an annual turnover of over K 65 million

Large businesses and multinationals with annual turnover over K65 million benefit from this membership.

Total: $0

Company Details for the Public Database.
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6 Types of Memberships

Offer Individual Advantage
(Small Business)
(Medium Business)
Overseas Elite
(Large Business)
Criteria Private individuals < K6.5 million in annual income Not-for-profit < K65 million in annual income Companies based outside Zambia > K65 million in annual income
Annual Subscription $150 $200 $250 $400 $500 $600
Access to strategic roundtable discussions with French Embassy No No No No Yes (if physically present) Yes
Access to strategic roundtable discussions with French-affiliated chambers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Business Development
Opportunity to co-create/sponsor a business forum/program No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Free annual adverts on FBC website No 1x 1x 2x 4x 4x
Priority invitation to FBC’s business networking event Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Corporate Brand Exposure
Opportunity to build company profile through sponsorship No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Logo listing on The FBC website No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Opportunity to advertise annually in FBC’s mailing list No 1x 2x 4x 4x 6x
Business Intelligence
Access to monthly newsletter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Access to French Embassy events and invitations to trade missions No No No Yes Yes Yes